Monday, October 20, 2008

The NEW Day The Earth Stood Still - 1

I found a sequel online to this Classic Sci-Fi film which was written in 1981 by Ray Bradbury "The Evening of The Second Day." It was okay, but the studio passed. However, a remake is a wonderful idea if the story holds true and is reminiscent of the original in content, style and tone. Michael Rennie's "Klaatu" is benevolent, optimistic and means business. Who could deliver that kind of style today in that type of role? Keanu Reeves perhaps? The 1951 film delivered a serious message. A direct sequel may be stronger than a retelling, as though humanity didn't take Klaatu seriously and he's come back un-aged ala CG to check on our progress as we fight to prove ourselves before it's too late. There's something classic and original about his space suit…very other worldly even with those slim, pleated pants.

Then again, perhaps a retelling of the tale followed by a sequel would bring everyone along for the ride in a more contemporary setting. We loved the 1951 Klaatu because he was a handsome, actorly white guy who represented the stereotypical 1950's. But today, we might consider a plain old white guy too American. Perhaps as a shapeshifting alien who wants to appear to us in a way that would make us all comfortable with his message; appearing to each of us as every race, ethincity, etc. Gort's design and character was sleek and menacing and posed a real threat. Would we believe that image today? If Hollywood respects this property, it could be a cool story. But Hollywood today is often hit-or-miss. Too many effects; not enough story. It's either too many cooks in the kitchen or in George Lucas' case, for example, one guy who owns the sandbox who tells all his people how to play. Time for something new. I know Michael Rennie was an unknown at the time. I think I just geeked out…

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