Friday, October 31, 2008

Blogging IS the 21st Century Bible

I belong to a progressive church, the United Church of Christ, that uses the slogan "God is still speaking." and a quote from Gracie Allen of Burns & Allen fame.... "Never place a period, where God has placed a comma." If I can sum up my beliefs about a creator of the universe, the One who made the Universe evolve to support life on earth.....not sure about those other planets.....I guess I'm left with calling that creator thing "God." But that's all I've got...a three-letter word to give to these thoughts about an ultimate beginning, the original source.

We all ask the ultimate question"where did we come from?" Is this Gods' only planet with people like us and let's not forget plants and animals before us? And is the time line I live in now, the first one or have there been others?

Is there a parallel universe? Are there multiple universes or multiverses?

This is one voice of the 21st Century Bible. God is now speaking and we're it! We are God, at least in the sense that we're manifestations of a created, evolved, Universe. We are the manifestation of God brought forth into being by the Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration. The Laws of the Universal God that breathes life into being.

I am manifesting a new me right now. And with the power vested in me, with me as the authority, I now bequeath to all who read this, the power to BE a new creation, a new person with a new beginning starting NOW.

So how does God speak to you?

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