Monday, October 20, 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still - 2

As much as I like the original, Michael Rennie was chosen because he was unknown and gave the role his own mystique and warmth. And what a cool alien friend he played to Billy Gray. However, since we're on the subject, the actor I think of as a modern similar persona is Ralph Fiennes. He even looks like Michael Rennie.

But I agree…the message is of utmost importance. About Keanu Reeves….um…sorry, but it's Hollywood and agents and money and politics and….well Keanu could pull it off. And so I agree with Shannon. Well said about "unexpected actors." And we can all watch the original on DVD anytime we want to see the Original, the Classic. Isn't Patricia Neil a hoot in the DVD extras? I just love her!

Puppetoon on Aug 31, 2007


Also potentially good would be Gary Oldman as Klaatu. Beyond known actors, an unknown would have been good. Christopher Reeve was one of those too.

Guess it's too late now, huh? Almost forgot, Patricia Neil & Billy Gray should def. be in the film at least in cameos.

Has anyone seen the Ray Bradbury sequel script about Klaata, Klaatu's daughter returning to Earth?

Puppetoon on Aug 31, 2007

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