Friday, October 31, 2008

Blogging IS the 21st Century Bible

I belong to a progressive church, the United Church of Christ, that uses the slogan "God is still speaking." and a quote from Gracie Allen of Burns & Allen fame.... "Never place a period, where God has placed a comma." If I can sum up my beliefs about a creator of the universe, the One who made the Universe evolve to support life on earth.....not sure about those other planets.....I guess I'm left with calling that creator thing "God." But that's all I've got...a three-letter word to give to these thoughts about an ultimate beginning, the original source.

We all ask the ultimate question"where did we come from?" Is this Gods' only planet with people like us and let's not forget plants and animals before us? And is the time line I live in now, the first one or have there been others?

Is there a parallel universe? Are there multiple universes or multiverses?

This is one voice of the 21st Century Bible. God is now speaking and we're it! We are God, at least in the sense that we're manifestations of a created, evolved, Universe. We are the manifestation of God brought forth into being by the Law of Attraction and Law of Vibration. The Laws of the Universal God that breathes life into being.

I am manifesting a new me right now. And with the power vested in me, with me as the authority, I now bequeath to all who read this, the power to BE a new creation, a new person with a new beginning starting NOW.

So how does God speak to you?

Is The Bible Obsolete?

Is the Bible the final authority for how we humans should live? I don't believe so.

Is it what some consider a "blue print" which gives instruction on how to rationalize killing people in God's name and claim "Forget the Devil, God made me do it, therefore, it's okay."

Wait a minute....what is God anyway?

Hello God??? Are you there?

...well I get the picture....What we call God is always there and I'm grateful. BUt to me, the great old Spirit has a better plan the ones we consider in the Old Testament. God IS still speaking. Are we listening?

So is the Bible obsolete? Hmmm.

The Bible consists of many great stories that compels me to think about the psychology of humanity as a whole and throughout history. To see it survive is one thing, but all those other books that didn't make it for reasons that are all too obvious; politics, deadlines, whoever ruled the day.

So is the Bible obsolete or not? If we say that the Bible is all there is to convey God's message, then I would disagree. It is something to keep thinking about and asking about......

On Becoming Green...Just BE!

There's one thing, a color....
Not red, yellow or blue.
It's a tree, it's a forest,
You know the hue.

We see it as green
this most important thing.
It grows with the sunlight,
Even in things unseen.

So while you're making
A green "cyber" patch
Think of your roof
If it were made out of thatch.

'Cause what do we have left
When our planet is gone
But a big gray ball
And a burnt out Sun.

But Hey! That's years off!
We've got plenty O time.
I'm saying we don't.
And this is my dime.

No matter how it looks
Whether too hot or too cold
Our days are still numbered
Or are these words too bold?

There's a few who believe.
Which to me means hope
Going green doesn't mean
It's the end of your rope.

So look around,
get a view of the
First rose that you see;
It's red, but I'm blue
Until we're all green.

I'm blue, yet a Rose
Who writes a green post
If that talk show were mine,
I'd be the host.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still - 2

As much as I like the original, Michael Rennie was chosen because he was unknown and gave the role his own mystique and warmth. And what a cool alien friend he played to Billy Gray. However, since we're on the subject, the actor I think of as a modern similar persona is Ralph Fiennes. He even looks like Michael Rennie.

But I agree…the message is of utmost importance. About Keanu Reeves….um…sorry, but it's Hollywood and agents and money and politics and….well Keanu could pull it off. And so I agree with Shannon. Well said about "unexpected actors." And we can all watch the original on DVD anytime we want to see the Original, the Classic. Isn't Patricia Neil a hoot in the DVD extras? I just love her!

Puppetoon on Aug 31, 2007


Also potentially good would be Gary Oldman as Klaatu. Beyond known actors, an unknown would have been good. Christopher Reeve was one of those too.

Guess it's too late now, huh? Almost forgot, Patricia Neil & Billy Gray should def. be in the film at least in cameos.

Has anyone seen the Ray Bradbury sequel script about Klaata, Klaatu's daughter returning to Earth?

Puppetoon on Aug 31, 2007

The NEW Day The Earth Stood Still - 1

I found a sequel online to this Classic Sci-Fi film which was written in 1981 by Ray Bradbury "The Evening of The Second Day." It was okay, but the studio passed. However, a remake is a wonderful idea if the story holds true and is reminiscent of the original in content, style and tone. Michael Rennie's "Klaatu" is benevolent, optimistic and means business. Who could deliver that kind of style today in that type of role? Keanu Reeves perhaps? The 1951 film delivered a serious message. A direct sequel may be stronger than a retelling, as though humanity didn't take Klaatu seriously and he's come back un-aged ala CG to check on our progress as we fight to prove ourselves before it's too late. There's something classic and original about his space suit…very other worldly even with those slim, pleated pants.

Then again, perhaps a retelling of the tale followed by a sequel would bring everyone along for the ride in a more contemporary setting. We loved the 1951 Klaatu because he was a handsome, actorly white guy who represented the stereotypical 1950's. But today, we might consider a plain old white guy too American. Perhaps as a shapeshifting alien who wants to appear to us in a way that would make us all comfortable with his message; appearing to each of us as every race, ethincity, etc. Gort's design and character was sleek and menacing and posed a real threat. Would we believe that image today? If Hollywood respects this property, it could be a cool story. But Hollywood today is often hit-or-miss. Too many effects; not enough story. It's either too many cooks in the kitchen or in George Lucas' case, for example, one guy who owns the sandbox who tells all his people how to play. Time for something new. I know Michael Rennie was an unknown at the time. I think I just geeked out…


Throughout the Earth's history, humankind began handing down stories verbally before we had the capability of writing and copying. We have ancient stories told to us in the Bible, yet within these pages we must decipher truth from fiction, myth from reality.

Our storytelling has evolved through the ages in many forms. From the cave drawings to the written word; from the handwritten manuscripts to the printing press we speak out.

History illustrates the way we tell stories continues to evolve daily. In the 21st Century, research proves that our stories, the human predicament may either preserve history or misshape it. Today, we use many methods of determining the origins of ancient stories to unravel the mysteries of ancient cultures, how people lived and survived and what they did to alter the course of human development. Undeniably, the laws of the universe which govern our planet first and foremost have had greater impact on the ways we live. From collisions of celestial bodies from outer space to Earth's weather systems.

Today, we have a means of writing down our thoughts and experiences through blogging. We may interact with total strangers or simply send our words into cyberspace, without a clue how they may affect it's readers.

Still, by a variety of formats, we will tell our stories for future generations to decipher how we lived and died and how we treated each other while we were here.

May we be thoughtful and careful in considering our current actions about anything. More important, may we write authenticly and honestly about our history.